A fatal motorcycle accident recently claimed the life of a motorcyclist in a neighboring New Mexico community south of Bernalillo. Authorities responded to the fatal motorcycle accident where they discovered the female driver of the motorcycle who was transported to a local hospital. The motorcycle accident victim later died at the hospital as a result of the injuries she suffered in the motorcycle accident.
According to authorities, a motor vehicle was traveling east when it collided with the rear of the motorcycle. Police are conducting an investigation into the accident, however, speed nor alcohol were believed to have been involved in the accident motorcycle. Motorcyclists can be uniquely vulnerable on the roadways and can be vulnerable to inattentive or careless drivers who do not properly observe them. As a result, motorcycle accident victims can suffer catastrophic injuries and even death.
The legal process recognizes the serious harm that motorcycle accident victims and their families may suffer. Damages that victims and their families may suffer can include physical, financial and emotional damages. Victims and surviving family members may be able to recover a variety of damages including medical expenses, funeral expenses and other damages based on the damages they have suffered. Both personal injury and wrongful death options may be available to motorcycle accident victims and their families to recover damages based on the circumstances and damages they have suffered.
Negligent drivers who have harmed victims they share the roadways with may be liable to compensate the victims, or the victim’s family, for damages suffered. Motorcycle accident victims and their loved ones should be familiar with the legal protections available to them following a motorcycle accident.
Source: Albuquerque Journal, “Motorcyclist dies in Northeast Albuquerque crash,” Oct. 14, 2015