Tragedy recently struck a family when a Freightliner utility truck blew a tire and veered into oncoming traffic, and crashed into an SUV. A family of four in the SUV, mother, father and two children aged four and two, were all killed, as well as the driver of the truck. While upon first glance, this might appear to just be an innocent accident, delving further into the matter may show that drunk driving may have played a role in the crash.
According to a tire expert, whose quote is in the report, a sober person would have been able to maintain control of the truck in the event of a tire blowout. Three survivors of the truck admit to drinking in the truck before the accident, and had drinks at a Hooters restaurant before the accident as well.
They did not admit that the driver had been drinking, though deputies claim that the body of the driver smelled of alcohol. There were also Corona and Dos Eques bottles scattered at the scene of the accident. The report states that the driver had been under the influence of alcohol at the time of the crash. Results of an autopsy are still pending.
If it is found that a driver was drunk driving at the time of an automobile accident, the family of the deceased may be entitled to compensation. This may include not only pain and suffering for the family, but also future lost wages. One may want to speak with a law firm familiar with personal injury to determine how to best proceed.
Source: Albuquerque Journal, “Tire blowout triggered deadly crash that killed family,” Katy Barnitz, May 29, 2017