Winter weather affects road conditions in New Mexico’s higher elevations and just recently a deadly car accident occurred in one of those locations. The accident happened in Romeroville and involved around 20 different vehicles. Around 30 people were taken to local hospitals and two individuals died from their accident-related injuries.
The accident began when a driver operating their vehicle on Interstate 25 lost control and slid into the median. A semi-truck following the car tried to avoid hitting it but as a result jack-knifed across the interstate. After the truck jack-knifed other vehicles began to collide and one of those vehicles was an additional semi-truck.
The collision of vehicles did not stop there. More cars and a third semi became involved in the crash, causing rescue workers to descend upon the scene in droves and for Alta Vista Regional Hospital in Las Vegas, New Mexico to receive an influx of injured drivers and passengers.
Despite weather conditions, drivers are expected to use caution and exercise reasonable care to ensure that they are able to operate their automobiles safely. As this story demonstrates, driving on ice and snow is significantly more hazardous than driving on dry, clear surfaces. With so many vehicles and so many people involved it will be difficult for law enforcement officials to determine how and where fault for the accident should lie.
Individuals involved in multivehicle crashes such as this one can benefit from discussing their cases with personal injury attorneys. Doing so can protect the victims’ rights to later sue for their losses from the individuals whose negligence caused them to suffer harm.
Source:, “2 people killed in chair-reaction crash,” Christine Pae, Jan. 16, 2018