The good news is that, in 2017, the number of motorcyclists nationwide who died on the roads in accidents dropped by well over 5 percent. Preliminary statistics suggest that 4,990 people died in 2017 because of motorcycle accidents, which is a drop from 5,286 in 2016.
Unfortunately, New Mexico’s numbers were not nearly as good as those on the national scale. With 49 deaths reported in 2017, New Mexico experienced four additional motorcycle fatalities over the 45 deaths reported in 2016.
Perhaps more importantly, the reality is that motorcyclists on New Mexico’s roads still face additional risks that those who ride in passenger cars do not. Overall, motorcyclists constitute 14 percent of all victims of fatal motor vehicle accidents nationwide. Furthermore, mile per mile, motorcyclists get killed at a rate 28 times higher than that of motorists who travel in traditional passenger cars.
While these statistics include accidents that may have been the fault of the motorcyclist, the reality is that many of these fatalities are due to the negligence of another motorist. An inattentive or distracted driver can easily not see a motorcyclist and, as a result, either cause a collision or force the motorcyclist to fall from his or her bike. Although motorcyclists can and should take steps to protect themselves from injuries, other motorists also have an obligation to be on the lookout for motorcyclists.
If a motorcyclist in the Albuquerque area gets killed because of the negligence of another motorist, the family of that person may want to consider their legal options for pursuing compensation from that motorist. After all, the death of a loved one not only takes an emotional toll; it also can leave a family in a financial pinch and without a reliable source of income.