An accident in Santa Fe killed one man and left another one with serious injuries. The injured man was taken to a nearby hospital, but the details of his condition were not disclosed. According to reports, the two victims of the accident, both men, were in all likelihood relatives.
Authorities are looking for a driver of a white pickup truck, which was involved in the accident. Police indicate that this driver left the scene of the accident before officers could identify him or her.
Police indicated that the accident happened at an intersection. They are continuing to investigate the accident, and their investigation will likely be better able to go forward once the other driver gets located.
As the investigation goes on, the family of the victims will want to pay careful attention. Depending on what additional information comes out, they may discover they have a good case to hold the other driver financially accountable for his or her negligence in causing this tragic accident.
Unfortunately, it is possible that despite the efforts of the police, the driver of the pickup will never get located. If this happens, though, the victims of this accident are not necessarily left without any hope for getting compensation for their losses. For example, if the victims purchased the appropriate coverage from their own insurance companies, then they may be able to file an uninsured motorist claim with their own insurance company.
Hit-and-run car accidents present special challenges for victims since they can be hard to investigate, especially if the driver who chose to flee is not found. Furthermore, a hit-and-run may require the filing of an uninsured motorist claim, which presents its own set of legal challenges.